I took some pictures of Caleb and made an announcement for his big day. I am so excited for him. He is such a wonderful young man, with a tender heart. I love him so much.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Caleb’s Baptism
Snell Photos
Today was Caleb’s baptism and while we were gathered I took some photos of the Snells for their Christmas card! I love how this one turned out.
And of course, with the Snells their were some “outakes” that I was able to capture as well. They are such a fun family.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Michael and Linette hosted our Thanksgiving feast this year. That worked out perfect for us since the girls had to work. We were starting to plan dinner in their apartment!
We went up Wednesday night to start the holiday off a little early. We worked on some of our food assignments so that we were ready for the big day. The next day we went to the Green’s to visit. GG and Gpa were there from Utah so that made the day even more special. We had more food prep to help with too! Linette had the table beautifully set. Oh! And we had Jake with us as well!
After dinner we took a walk to see a house in the next neighborhood that was all decked out for Christmas—including a train that went around the yard. Pretty awesome.
I am ready for Christmas. I even broke my rule of waiting till after Thanksgiving to listen to Christmas tunes!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Life Experiences
I am grateful for the life experiences that teach me everyday. Every new day is a blessing, and each day brings new experiences that help me become a better person. Sometimes I get to experience joy, other times I learn from work. Some days I get to practice patience other days I am learning to forgive or love. Often my days bring laughter, and many days there are tears. It makes no difference what the day brings, only that I learn what Heavenly Father intends for me to learn.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
It has rained for two days here…almost constantly. The temperatures dropped. I actually wore sweats on Friday! It was so awesome. I love this cooler weather and I am so grateful it is finally here. I can even see some snow on the very tip top of Mt. Lemmon.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Life Experiences
It has been a few days…not that I haven’t found any things to add to my list of what I am grateful for, just no time to write them down.
I was able to give some service today. Little things to help people out, nothing major, but it feels good. I am grateful when those opportunities come.
I am grateful that I feel good today. I am grateful for second, third, fourth and a thousand chances to get things right. I am grateful to know that someday I will see that the Lord had a wise purpose for the things I experience and that I will be grateful for all of them.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
I love Sundays. And the number one reason for Saturday, over laps to Sunday as well. But it is not reason #1. I love Sundays because it is the Lord’s day. I love to go to church and worship. I love to take the sacrament and renew my covenants. I love to learn feel the Spirit testify of truth. I love to detox from the world.
I love Saturdays. I get to spend them with Kelly, reason #1. Sometimes, I get to spend them with my girls, reason #2. And we either play or work hard, reason #3! It doesn’t matter which one we do, I love to do both.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
I love music. I love to hear it and sing it. I love that it is part of this mortal life. I am grateful that I have opportunities to improve in my talent and to share my testimony through music. I get to do that as I participate in the ward choir. I love choir! I recently sang in sacrament meeting and it was so fun to sing with friends and make beautiful music. I felt the spirit as I sang with them and we shared our love for our Father in Heaven and His many blessings. How can I keep from singing!?
My Body
I went to cardio kick boxing class today at LA Fitness…wow, she worked us hard. But it felt good when it was over. As I knelt to say my prayers before scripture study when I got home, I thought about the miracle that my body is. I had to thank Heavenly Father for that gift. I am grateful that it is healthy and works the way it should. I know I need to take better care of it, and gratitude helps me do that.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
I am so thankful for the scriptures and quiet moments to study them. It doesn’t always happen everyday, but I find answers and get personal revelation when I read. If it doesn’t happen that I get a specific answer, I still feel more at peace, more love as I read. I know that studying the scriptures is helping me become a better disciple.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Veterans Day
Today we are “celebrating” Veterans Day, which turns my thoughts to our country. I am grateful for the blessing it is to live in America. I know that there are many who died, who have served and are serving that I owe my gratitude to. I worry about the direction our country is heading. I also know that this land has a higher purpose that comes from the Lord. If I am obedient, I do my part to preserve it. I love this land.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Family Time
Today I am thankful that I have my family under one roof! I love that the girls have a life, they are working and schooling and living and learning. I am so proud of them. It would not be healthy for the to be living at home-I get that. In fact, I don’t want them to live at home.They are exactly where they need to be. But…that doesn’t mean I don’t love it when we get to be together, even if we are all doing our own thing. It just feels good to have a few hours of “like it used to be”!
Family Time
Today I am thankful that I have my family under one roof! I love that the girls have a life, they are working and schooling and living and learning. I am so proud of them. It would not be healthy for the to be living at home-I get that. In fact, I don’t want them to live at home.They are exactly where they need to be. But…that doesn’t mean I don’t love it when we get to be together, even if we are all doing our own thing. It just feels good to have a few hours of “like it used to be”!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
I am thankful for my computer. I need it for my photoshop program and to for all the fun I have with that, but now I also need it for my pathways classes. I am in school! I started this fall with the pathway program to be able to finish my degree at BYU-I. I sometimes wonder if I received the answer to prayer that I thought I did, because it is taking up so much of my time! It isn’t really hard, and I am learning some good things. I do think it is good preparation for when I do “real” school, but it has complicated my life for sure.
So, maybe I should have included my new education endeavor on my thankful list since this post is mostly about that!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
When I sat down to write my post and started to think about something I am thankful for I thought to myself:
“Can I say Kelly again?”
He just puts up with so much from me and keeps on giving.
But I made a rule for myself that there could be no repeats. So just know, I am thankful for him everyday.
My next thought was: Photographs. That is definitely something I should put on my list of what I am thankful for. I spend a lot of my time with photos. I love to look at old photos and the memories that they conjure up. I love taking photos to document my life and to find the beauty that is around me. I love editing them. I love scrapping them.
Monday, November 4, 2013
I can’t help but put him up on the top of my list—he truly is the most important person or thing I have on this earth. And I get to keep him for the eternities! I know that he is a blessing from my Father and I thank Him for Kelly and his unconditional love everyday. He is my best friend. He is my biggest fan. He supports me, comforts me and teaches me. I am a better person having known him for these 32+ years. We laugh and cry together. We love and serve together. We play and work together.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Ellie’s First 5K
Ellie ran her first real race today! It was sponsored by Tucson North Stake and was open for runners of all ages. Ellie has been running in
“Miler’s” which is her after school club. When she heard about the race, she immediately wanted to do it. When race day came she was a bit nervous, but Brother Larsen was there to help with the motivation. She did awesome.
Ellie’s First 5K
Our stake holds an annual barbeque in the fall. As part of the day of festivities they hold a 5k fun run in the morning. Ellie decided to join the race this year, for the first time. We got up early Saturday morning so she could race. She was a bit nervous, but mostly excited to give it a try. It was difficult but she did her best and ran a good race. She came in fourth for her age group!
The race started and ended in the church parking lot, with about 100 participants of all ages. The finish line ended in the same place as the start, so we waited at the church to see her come in. Brother Larsen rand with her to the finish line for encouragement.
Good job, Ellie! We are proud of you for trying a new thing and for doing your best and finishing!
Julie was there helping with the race and then watching her grandkids while their mom and dad raced. What a cutie!
Friday, November 1, 2013
October’s End
2013 Thankful List
I am needing this list year! I know that I have so many blessings, but with all that I have going on that is causing me stress, I need help focusing them.
First of all, I am grateful for the Atonement of Christ. I am in such need of His grace. I am constantly falling short of living up to what I know is right, so I need repentance. And I need it over and over for the same things. I also know that I don’t make it through my day without His grace supporting-carrying me.