Sunday, May 11, 2014

Institute Diploma

Kelsey told us she was getting a certificate Institute, like seminary graduation. Even she didn’t realize that she had taken enough classes or that all of her classes were in one spot so that someone could count the hours she had taken. But what a pleasant surprise when she was awarded a diploma, not just a certificate! We are so proud of her!IMG_3016

diplomaThis diploma represents her journey and how far she has come. She has taught me more intimately about the Atonement and forgiveness. I can see so clearly how repentance changes you from the inside out. She is amazing!


We went to Tempe to be at the graduation meeting because we knew this was important to her and to us. So then we took pictures to celebrate!IMG_3032kelly and kels editmom and kelseymy 3 favorite people

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Nature’s Beauty

Walking around the yard with a camera is fun in the spring. So many beautiful flowers are on display.fav flowersIMG_3002pink


IMG_2982Our garden is growing well. We are looking forward to some yummy veggies. We have been eating radishes already. And our grass is coming in!IMG_2969

Thursday, May 1, 2014

April Collage

Here is our month in photos for April. We had another busy month and more photos should have been taken, but we will take what we have.

We all ran and walked in a 5k; we went to the Easter Pageant; we got a fun picture of Bri on her mission, Hunter played a funny joke and we have lot’s of beautiful things growing around the yard!apr

Monday, April 21, 2014


Hunter is a busy, imaginative boy! He is always making things. I need to get more pictures of his creations because they don’t usually last very long, even though they are very inventive.

The other day when we walked in from the car after church we found this! So funny!IMG_2968

Sunday, April 20, 2014


We celebrated at home with our traditional meal….except for my new favorite carrot cake recipe! This cake is so yummy.easter desserteaster table

We didn’t get any pictures that are really about how we celebrate. The girls came home. We didn’t’ do baskets, just a small gift. We spent our time talking about Jesus and the Atonement. It is truly the most wonderful gift that we have been given.

Ellie was asked to share her testimony at church, as the youth talk for sacrament meeting. She did so well. I really felt her testimony.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Green Thumb

We have some exciting growth beginning to happen!

garden beginsOur garden is starting to show great signs of promise.grass growing




And our grass! You can finally see sprouts appearing. I can’t wait till this fills in and we see the fruits of our labors.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Easter Pageant

IMG_2883We went to Mesa for the Easer Pageant this weekend. It was fun to see it again, it has been a while. The girls came with us too, so that made it extra fun. mom maryn kels

Hunter was not excited to go. I was so frustrated with him every time he said it, and would just say he hadn’t even given it a chance. After it started, it finally came out that he was thinking of a beauty pageant…like Miss America! We had a good laugh about that one.

kels ell hunter with soldierWe arrived early so we could get a good seat. It is harder to see around the big pillars they set up for the lights, but I have never seen it so close before. It was fun to be able to see a bit more of the expressions. Arriving early also allowed us some photo ops with different actors.IMG_2905kels ell with prophetssunset

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

March In Photos

It pretty sad to see this month’s photos! I just didn’t get many pictures taken of all of the things we accomplished in March. Gotta get that camera out more.april

Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Women’s Meeting First

The Church has changed the way they will conduct the meetings for the women of the church. At conference there will now be one meeting for all women ages 8 and up. This month before conference was the first meeting of its kind. To celebrate this change our stake leaders combined efforts to commemorate this special day. I was asked to help with the big boards in the stake center again. The theme was the covenant path, the path we all take back to our Father in Heaven.

Here is what we came up with:board1board2board3board4

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Some Spring

It is a little difficult to get excited about spring, since our winter never really developed. But today in hopes of looking at the positive I took the camera out to get some shots of the first flowers popping out. cactus bloomsspring blooms

And a peek at the garden too!garden

Instead of saying how hot is is already, I am trying to say what a beautiful day it is. I guess we will enjoy a longer spring, which isn’t so bad? Right?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Samuel and His Goliath

I know I am mixing up scripture stories. But Samuel fought a Goliath too. His was not a literal, human giant, but yet he fought against great odds when he tried to warn a nation to repent.  I am impressed, inspired and troubled within by his obedience. His faith is exposed by his obedience in going back and preaching where he was rejected. He is told to have faith that he will know what to say. And so he does just that. Such a great example of faith, trusting in the Lord’s plan and that He will provide the way.

Can I show that kind of faith? How is that faith demonstrated in MY life? I know that a simpler answer is that I return each day with new determination to do my best, forget hurts and make each day better than the next. Choose to be more obedient.

But my question is not that simple. I want to know what my obedience looks like in relation to the kids. I feel like David against Goliath. Is my Goliath that I take them into my life now and raise them for the next ten years? Or is it the whole system which is governing my life? Are my feelings a warning? Maybe I have such fear and dread so that I can use that, to speak up and make changes that seem so necessary,to help God find another place for them. One that will allow them to grow even more. Or is my fear and dread just selfish?

How do I show trust in the Lord’s plan and be obedient to what He wants me to do?

Friday, February 28, 2014

Goodbye February

We had a great month, but we didn’t take many pictures to prove it!

We celebrated Valentine’s day with heart shaped pancakes, the weather was so warm it felt like spring and that prompted us to travel to where the snow was falling for a ski trip.

feb 1014

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine’s Day

February has gone by fast. Valentine’s day snuck up on me, so I didn’t have anything for the kids or for Kelly. But when I realized it this morning, I hurried and made pink heart shaped pancakes for breakfast. At first Hunter wasn’t sure he could eat them, but then he joined in on the fun.

It is absolutely beautiful. Perfect weather.ellie hunter ride

hunter rideJust not for February—at least in my book. But since we can’t fight mother nature, we went outside and played. I wanted to practice taking some motionellie ride pictures so I took some shots of the kids on their bikes. And some bees doing their thing.

bee in flight

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Gilbert Temple Open House

gilbert templeWe spent the weekend in Phoenix helping the girls move into their new apartment. We spent the night Friday night so we could get started first thing Saturday morning. We wanted to get it done since they had some trucks coming to help with the move and still have time to go to the temple open house in Gilbert. We had tickets next week, but Kelly is going to be out of town.

We were able to get to the temple in the afternoon. We had to wait for quite awhile without our “fast passes”, but it was so worth it. What a beautiful, grand temple. I was surprised at how big it was. I loved the colors. It is absolutely amazing. The grounds are beautiful too, which will be so nice for pictures. family gilbert open house

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Pinewood Derby

Today was the pinewood derby! pack

This time I didn’t just go as a “parent” but as a den leader as well. It was fun to see how excited the boys were to race their cars. They were all so proud of the work they put into the cars. My favorite moment was went James Hartzell’s car won a race. He jumped up and said “yes!”, then probably remembering a gentle reminder from his parents he went over to his opponent and said “good game”. It was so funny and so sweet.

hunter waiting resultsHunter’s car did very well. That was nice for him. hunter and car

Thursday, January 23, 2014

School Awards

I spent most of my morning at DeGrazia this morning as they held their award assemblies. Both the kids were given awards! Naturally they did it by grades so there was lot’s of time between 2nd and 6th…oh well, it was worth it.hunter awardellie award