Saturday, June 30, 2012

Big Springs


Saturday we spent a couple of hours floating Big Springs ending at Mack’s Inn. Quin wasn’t interested in the activity so it was just the three of us. It felt so good to soak up some sun and the beautiful scenery. The place to put in the river was pretty crowded, great minds think alike I guess, s and we wondered about how peaceful it would be. As it turned out we were able to keep our distance between floaters and had a very peaceful run. We didn’t see any wildlife except some birds, so that was a little disappointing. But a trip to the café was for some ice cream cheered us up perfectly.

We kayaked the Provo river on this trip with Beth, Calvin, Tyler, Annie and Isaac, but since I couldn’t guarantee we would stay dry I didn’t get any pictures. It was a blast. It had just enough rapids to make it exciting, but nothing that made it scary!

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