Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Did You Think To Pray

This is an article in the Spring 2012 BYU Magazine by Bruce D Porter. I have enjoyed reading it very much. My favorite simple quote says: When we pray, we borrow strength, love and light at the very door of eternity.

I just love that imagery and message, so beautiful and simple, yet filled with awe and power.

Another point he makes that I found interesting is to make sure we are saying things we really mean when we pray. Seems so obvious, yet we need to remember that God knows our hearts, probably more than we do so our prayers need to come from the heart, our innermost, truest feelings. It isn’t just a list of things we are thankful for, then need, it is about understanding God, truth and His will. Then when we know that, we come to Him, changing our will to His. Then we see the fulfillment of D&C 88:63 “Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you”.

I also learned a more true meaning to Kelsey’s favorite scripture D&C 89:2-3, when the Lord told Oliver Cowdery that he will tell “you in your mind and in your heart”. I always thought of that scripture teaching us where we would know and feel truth, two places. But the and in that scripture is important. Real answers will come to both places at the same time! When the feelings of the hear and understanding of the mind come together, we can feel confident in our answer. He also cautions against thinking that the feelings that come are not highly emotional, to remember it is still and small. And to move forward in faith, not in fear. Prayerfully ponder a course, make a decision, then go to the Lord and seek confirmation. Be open to promptings and impressions of the Sprit and follow them.

“Prayer can be among the most exalted of privileges we enjoy in this mortal sphere”

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