Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hunter Turns Nine

hunter's bday at Dak'sHunter celebrated his ninth birthday on the 13th of this month. We wanted to make the day special, but not take away from his family plans, so it was a little tricky to navigate. But we managed. We celebrated at Daks Pizza and Games—Hunter’s choice! We ate pizza and played a video game called “Minecraft”. My feelings about video games have not changed too much over the years, and this one did nothing to increase appreciation of them! If you are into games, they have a pretty fun set up especially for group play.

But…Hunter had a great time and so it was worth the time we spent there. I think he appreciated it. We came home and blew candles out on some brownies. Hunter doesn’t like cake, so he chose brownies instead.hunter candles edit

Saturday was their visit, so he was able to spend that time celebrating with his mom, dad and ellie.

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