We were excited to spend the day in Mesa to attend Linda’s sealing and reception. We are so excited for her. It was a beautiful ceremony and a lovely day. I can’t wait to witness my girls’ sealings. I love to see the couple come out of the temple, so happy, with loved ones waiting. I took this photo of Linda’s bridal party and her dad waiting for the first glimpse. I thought it was so cute.
Of course time at the temple would not be complete without some flower pictures.
I took more than this, but will spare you all the different shots. It smelled heavenly!
And here is my favorite picture with some fun pse edits.
Her reception was very nice an actual sit down dinner and fire pit with s’mores! But what else is to be expected from the culinary graduate, right? They chose a very
cute place to have it with lots of fun vintage décor. I loved the entry and all the little “vignette” settings. I took some pictures of my favorite things.
In between we spent some time apartment hunting with Maryn. She will be moving to Mesa, soon, to start work. Until she finds a place she will stay with the Green’s, but she wants to move into her own place asap. We are so excited for this new chapter for Maryn. We know it is going to be great. We can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for her.
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