Sunday, November 4, 2012

Adult Children

I guess the argument could be made that you are grateful for adult children because that means that they (and you by default) survived long enough to make it into adulthood!

I have had adult children for a few years now, and I am just beginning to appreciate them-what they are teaching me. I have found these lessons difficult, with severe growing pains, so therefore it has taken me longer to get to the point where the pain isn’t overshadowing the good that is happening. In the last few years I have longed for the days when they were young-recalling easier, happier days. But time does not stand still, nor can we go back. By accepting  what is real, I have learned how to recognize the good and let the pain fade away.

my girls I know we started on the journey many years ago, but just in the last couple of years, these two precious souls have taught me to repent, to forgive, and about the atonement. They have taught me through their example to trust, to be happy in spite of (fill in the blank), to work hard, to be honest, to be patient, to turn to the Lord, to trust Him and His plan, to walk in faith, to think out of the box, to accept difficult assignments that you don’t want to do, to make a difference by doing your best, to use agency as it was intended, to accept consequences, to do hard things-especially the hard things the Lord asks you to do, to keep your promises-especially those you make to the Lord, and to not quit ever…like never, ever ever. :) 

I love you with a heart full of love, because you taught me how to do just that.

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