Sunday, November 11, 2012

Gratitude Quotes

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures

                  ~Thornton wilder

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget

that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”

                  ~John F. Kennedy

Two quotes that have become some of my favorites for the season!

Today I am grateful for the Hymns of the church. I love music in general and the power it has in my life. Today in stake conference we say a hymn and it is one that I have sang many times. In fact I know the words by heart and can sing it without looking at the book. For some reason, the spirit taught me, like I had read the words for the first time what that song really means. The title of the song “How Firm A Foundation” gives the a clue so huge, it isn’t really a clue at all! While I sang the second verse today, I could see through the repeated words to the message that I guess was the message I needed to learn today:

As thy days, may demand so thy succor shall be

As I sat down, I whispered to Kelly, that after all the times I have sung that song, I finally got the message of that song. I love it when he is eager to hear what I want to share with him.

It matters not what difficulties I am asked to face. When I went back and looked at the other words it even says, “in every condition”. I don’t need to fear because:  His omnipotent hand will give strength, help, extend, hold up in whatever circumstance, equal to the demand that I face.

To show my gratitude for that principle and for the experience today, I am going to try my best to live in that way.

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