Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Concert

Tonight was the first of many nights that will be spent at Christmas Concerts in the next couple weeks. We like to hunter concertsupport the youth in the ward with their choir, band and jazz concerts. Tonight was a different venue…one we haven’t been to for quite a few years. We went to elementary school concerts! While Ellie and Hunter were here for Thanksgiving, they told us about their concerts from school, so we marked them on the calendar, so that we wouldn’t forget. We thought maybe they would be with us by now, but just the same, we wanted to give them some more support. They both hadellieconcert their performances on the same night, so it was a bit of a scramble to get them both in. First, we went to Hunter’s school and watched him perform in the 1st grade “Winter Wonderland”—a medley of holiday favorites. Then we raced over to another school, where Ellie was playing her violin. They had already started, but we were able to watch her perform a few numbers. They seemed to enjoy that we were there and we were able to meet their older sister Kassie, her boyfriend and two little boys. We called it family home evening, so it was a win/win for everyone!

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