Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

mini manger

Nothing too different and exciting to report, pretty much the same kind of celebration we have been having for a few years now, but it was perfect just the same. It was just the four of us, cozy and quiet. The girls had to wake us up…even though it was NOT the crack of dawn. We have definitely become “old folks” and sleep in a lot more than we used to. Anyway…the girls woke us up and we unwrapped presents. One other “tradition” broken this year…no Santa presents. He knows the girls are old enough to handle it and let him concentrate on the younger folks, you know one less house to stop at. We are Santa believers and knew we could really help him out in a big way! There were still fun surprises under the tree and some sweet giving moments.

maryn's calendarMy favorite this year was Maryn kelsey's phoneunwrapping the calendar that Kelsey made for her. Kelsey did a “Beauty and Beast” themed calendar since Belle is Maryn’s favorite. It is practical and fun all in one. Maryn was so touched by Kelsey’s thoughtfulness and the time she spent on it that it brought tears to all of our eyes. Next would be Kelsey opening up her phone. She was super excited and surprised—surprised she got one and that I was able to keep it a secret.

kelseyAfter presents, we set tobreakfast work on our favorite Christmas morning tradition…pork chop breakfast! Everybody pitched in and before long we were ready for our feast. During our preparations we did get a visit from Hunter and Ellie. They stopped by to thank us for their scriptures and totes! hunter and ellie scripsI also used some of the down time to take pictures with my new toy…a new camera! Kelly completely surprised me with tmarynhat one.IMG_0009IMG_0005

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