Friday, December 27, 2013

California Adventure

Friday we spent the day in California Adventure. We started off waiting for two hours in line for the Cars Land ride. That was grueling, but so worth it! That is a great ride. Disney did good on that one.

cars land

cars ride






The park was crowded, more so than I have ever seen it. That meant we were waiting for every ride, but there were many times we hit it just perfect. It was a fun day, with lot’s of great memories made. It was fun to share our favorite spots with Ellie and withmaryn and hunter aladdin



And going to the new ones in Cars Land and Monster Universitykelly hunter ellie cars landkelsey and ellie on mater



monsters u

We had to go on Tower of Terror by ourselves…they just couldn’t bring themselves to do it! But it just wouldn’t be complete without at least one ride in that elevator!tower of terror

By the end of the day our feet hurt and we were tired, so much so that we went home before the park closed. What a great day.hollywood

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