We had a great Christmas Eve. I love Christmas Eve. I love our traditions for Christmas Eve. We did change one tradition. I told the girls I was no longer buying pj’s for them for Christmas eve. I told them I would buy them something more useful and that they could still open it on Christmas eve, but I was done filling their drawers with jammies. After all, my mother stopped buying me pajamas when I was their age. Sure it occurred naturally with marriage, but that isn’t the way we are doing things at the Hillman’s, so, we are creative and are exploring new ways of doing things.
But I digress. Back to my favorite night of the whole year…
First, we gather loved ones—sometimes friends, sometimes family, sometimes both. This year it was family—the local AZ clan: Michael and Linette and Dan and Jeanene.
Then we eat. The last couple years we have done soup and rolls. Everyone brings their favorite soup and we sample them all till we are stuffed.
Disclaimer: photo heavy with terrible photos due to bad lighting, poor photographer and constant movement!
Then it is time for wackiness and fun. This year we asked everyone to prepare a Christmas song to share with the group—serious or fun. First up, the Green’s shared one of Linette’s favorite memories and they sang “Jingle Bells”. Madison was ne
xt on the piano, with Jeanene on the elf karaoke. Then everyone was up (literally) for “Ghengis Style”—not even sure I am
spelling that right. It is a crazy dance that the kids all do at their dances…and at home whenever the song is played. The Snell’s favored us with a rendition of “Once Their Was A Snowman” by VoiceMale. We participated
too, there just aren’t any pictures of that—which is really a shame because of well, the next sentence. Kelly (aka Justin Beiber) and I (aka Mariah Carey) sang a duet “All I Want For Christmas” with Maryn and Kelsey as back-up singers and dancers. We
really should have gotten a picture of Kelly as Justin. We spent some time playing with the elf karaoke—it distorted your voice so that you sounded like the chipmunks—which was a great source of laughter.
After the performances, we pulled out the chimes. Every year, that just gets better and better!
After chimes, we settle down for the Christmas Program, where we read scriptures and sing Hymns
to remind us of the real reason for this most memorable night. After the laughs and fun, it isn’t hard to reflect and be grateful that you have loved ones gathered close and the chance to talk and sing about the greatest gift given to mankind. It looks cheesy, but seeing these precious kids dressed up just warms my heart, and fills it with gratitude for all of my many blessings.
After the nativity, we opened gifts—pj’s for everyone—except Maryn and Kelsey—they got exercise clothes!…were comfortable enough to sleep in…
We always end the program with a testimony. Kelly shared his publicly that night, but here is mine privately. Jesus, Lord at Thy birth. The babe in the manger was born with such significant names: the angels declared to the shepherds that the Savior, Christ the Lord was born, the wise men sought the King, Immanuel, Counselor, and Mighty God were also used to describe Him. His birth brought Hope into the world and gives me hope today. All of my hopes are centered in Him, for without Him I would not hope for eternal life, hope for forgiveness, hope for strength to overcome trials and hope to feel His love in times of sorrow and joy.
1 comment:
I want to spend Christmas with you! It sounds like so much fun...and I can't believe you don't have a picture of Justin and Mariah...I want to see that!
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