Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

2013—what will it bring?

Our new year came and went before we even realized. I kissed Kelly at 1:30 and said “happy new year…late!” So much for our plan to celebrate on eastern standard time and go to be early. It was just the two of us at home. Kelly was puzzling out the new receiver, getting all of the speakers, dvd and cable hooked up just right. I was doing some puzzling too and the time just slipped by while we waited to hear from the girls.

This morning it is back to work, no sleeping in, no eating out and as Kelly left he said back to the gym tonight! Guess I better get to work getting Christmas décor put away so it doesn’t look like it we should still be on holiday.

We don’t really made resolutions per se, but yesterday Kelly and I talked about our goals for the year so that we have a master plan to work from. Then we just work on taking steps towards those goals. We have mostly the same goals as last year—looking toward the future. Working on retirement/mission funds, working on things around the house, helping the girls achieve their goals and Kelly added and I quote “continue to grow old together—my favorite part”.

On a more personal note I want to continue to increase in spirituality, exercise more, learn more-photography and essential oils, practice my guitar and piano more—maybe even take lessons again, give more service—including teeny tears and I am going to work on positive thoughts. I think it is important to focus more on what goals bring to your life and what positive things I am going to do rather than focusing on all the things I want to get rid of. Bad habits or traits naturally go away when you work bringing good habits and traits into your life. I want to turn more of days and what is contained into them over to Heavenly Father, work by inspiration.

I read this today and thought if fit my thoughts perfectly: There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind—CSLewis

1 comment:

Mandee said...

I have been wanting to call and talk to you has been far too long. I miss you so much! I heard you have some exciting news and some big changes coming this weekend! I will definitly be calling soon!