Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Funny Thing Happened

while reading my scriptures that was a good teaching moment. I started to read in Alma, just after the Lamanites had destroyed so many of the people, families, flocks and herds, land and crops. All that devastation, and the people felt afflicted. They understood that their lifestyle, their disobedience had brought about this tragedy and they were humbled. They turned to the Lord and started over full of repentance, more fully obedient. I was about 5 verses in and it was time to turn the page. (insert screech) As I turned the page, I noticed a cup that I should put in the dishwasher that I had just started before I sat down to read. Just a few seconds and I began reading again and by verse 7 I read about how pride was starting to affect the people. What? Wait. Turn back the page and make sure I am still on the right chapter—yep. My nest thought was “Wow! that didn’t take long!”  That made me think of how often, during the day my thoughts do that very same flip flop. It doesn’t take very much or very long to find myself down the wrong path, if I am not careful about stopping any negative thoughts that enter my mind. One thing having Hunter and Ellie here has shown me that I have to be careful and work to make sure I am not being prideful. It is far too easy for me to get caught up in all the things that their parents need to take care of. I have to watch myself and make sure that I am making decisions based on love and not on pride. It is a battle everyday to try and stay on the path! But it is worth the fight. And I know I can eventually win. I love the example of Alma in this chapter, giving up his judgment seat to go and teach the doctrines of Christ to try and recover the people that he loves. It is so clear that studying the gospel everyday is how you fight the temptations of everyday. And when you lose a battle, the atonement puts you back on track so that the whole war is not lost.

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