Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother’s Day

Mother’s day was great this year. I was able to spend it with my girls and my mom. We decided to spend Saturday night at Maryn’s new apartment when we heard that GG and Gpa were coming down. That would allow us to be with them most of the day Sunday without the travel time to come up. We wanted to check out Maryn’s new place, so it worked out perfect. GG and Gpa took the opportunity to hop in Marble’s van, since they were coming for a wedding. As soon as Hunter and Ellie were done with their visit and then we drove to Phoenix. We spent some time visiting for a few hours Saturday night. Jeanene and Grace had come for the day while the men and boys were at their father and son’s campout. We went to dinner at a Country Grill—it was great food, but pretty expensive!

breakfast tableSunday morning the girls surprised me with breakfast. makeshift tables        Yummy french toast and a special table setting. It was so nice to be pampered! Kelly and I sat at the table while everyone else found a spot on some makeshift tables. I opened some gifts and sweet notes. Ellie entertained us with her creation of her box persona. Then we were off to church and to meet at the Green’s again. danettehunter and ellie box

We visited, played with chickens, took naps, and just enjoyed the day together till it was time to head for home. I couldn’t help but snap some pictures of the sleepiness that enveloped the living room! ellie and chickenmichaelkelly and kelseymaryn and kat

mom and kels2Kelsey and I snapped some fun photos and kels3mom and kels

On our way home we stopped by the site of the Gilbert temple that is in construction. It looks like it is getting pretty close to being done. It was larger than I thought it would be. I can’t wait till we are able to watch our own temple being built. 

   gilbert temple sunset

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