I am reading in Alma, where he is giving his words to his sons and that inspired me for this post. Although, it isn’t quite the same. I am not old…at least not as old as I am going to get, so these aren’t my final commandments and blessings!
And, just so you know. The kids are up and probably waiting for me to get breakfast, but I am making them wait for you. (wink)
First of all, I understand when you say you want to give up. I have felt that way myself. It is discouraging to feel like you are doing your best to do what is right and yet the blessings aren’t there. I don’t need to tell you who those feelings come from. They are still there and hard to ignore. But there in lies the test--to see if you choose to still have faith and keep going. I see it like training a dog. He get a treat every time, and immediately when he does something right and then he is trained. But you are not here to be trained, you are here to choose. So there are no treats every time and you have to look for the blessings that do come, so that you are fully engaging in agency.
Alma 37:38-47 Alma teaches Helaman about how the Liahona was a pattern for our lives. Read it, but the simplified version is that when they were obedient, it worked and led them to the promised land. Easy right? It was designed by God, so it was simple, but not easy. Just like it is easy to read the scriptures and obey them and find our own promised land. Simple, but not easy as we use the word easy. Why did Nephi and Sam see how easy it was, but not Laman and Lemuel? Because they chose it. There were days when the spindles pointed and it looked just like the day before and the day before that—and the days before that. Ocean. Ocean as far as the eyes could see in every direction. No promised land in sight. (Ah, in sight.) But the promised land was promised and that is what they believed in. God keeps His promises. So they chose to be obedient and follow the spindles, even when they couldn’t see a change or progression.
I know it isn’t easy. And it seems like there is no progress, but there is. Every time you get back in the game, and choose to simply follow God, to read and pray and hope, you are progressing. And one day he will turn those simple (not easy) choices into something great and marvelous. That is how he works, small and simple means-vs. 7
You are going to be okay, more than okay. Even in your sorrow, you recognize an answer to prayer. That is so awesome! I know God loves you. He is asking you to do hard things. That shows His love for you. Follow the promptings that He gives you. That is how you show your trust in His plan.
And I know that you are kidding—mostly—about Hawaii. But just a word of caution. I have seen you do this before. Don’t just react. If Hawaii is where the Lord wants you that is one thing, but the only thing that really matters is that…Finding out where He wants you. And if you just react, you won’t be listening. Happiness can be found anywhere, especially if we are where we are supposed to be. His opinion is the only one you need to worry about following—not cousins, or aunts or dad or mom. Just kidding
And my final thought…for now. I have learned in these recent months, that some things can’t change, I can’t just be “delivered”. No Lamanites are just put to sleep so I can walk on out of the city. My prayers for God to fix, or change something go unanswered. But when I pray for strength to endure. That prayer is answered. every. time. It is answered because after I pray I get up and do—believing I will get help. Your job He said change, so you change. Being single, or frustrated with room mates, or (fill in the black) those things may not be changed in the near future so pray for strength, each day and hour if necessary. I find myself in the “water closet” many times in prayer. I go there to “go” and I am by myself and it is quiet, and I am at my wits end and I pray--“Help me dear Father to make it one more hour”. And He does. I get the strength to use my agency and choose the better way and then I get the strength to do it. He will do that for you. I am not special. He does it for any who ask and believe.
He loves you. I love you. That is my real final thought.