…some important lessons. I read about his missionary journey to reactivate the Zoramites today. He believes in power of the word of God so deeply. I think sometimes I forget that learning and living the gospel is the best way to make changes in me and others. I thought of Rick and Rustin and how frustrated I get with them. I am losing the battle to love them as Christ does. As time goes on, I just feel more and more frustrated and angry with them. But I wondered at what kind of answer I would find if I applied Alma’s example. Of course so much of that depends on their choices, which I have no faith in, but of course everyone can benefit from learning and living principles. But how can I help facilitate that? more discussion or challenges given in phone calls to talk about the gospel with their children, or give in and get them into our home? I am not sure I want to go down that path
So back to me and what I can learn and do.
The Zoramites had knowledge of the gospel, they were members, but they didn’t keep the commandments. Their disobedience kept them from having the spirit. They forgot to do the basics that bring us closer to Christ and allow his to draw closer to us—praying and studying everyday. But I am not so different from the Zoramites and their Rameumpton if all I do is attend church on Sunday and do nothing else during the week—no prayer, study, service or repenting. If I go to church but then spend my week just focusing on obtaining riches, or cheating, judging or being prideful in any way, I really am no better
Alma prays for the strength and patience he needs to endure the trials that will come because of the their wickedness and the difficult task he has to live and teach there. He also prays for success, the power and wisdom needed to help bring them back. he never prayed for a different job, or the Lord to make it alright instantly etc. Many times I pray for the wrong kind of answers. I want the Lord to fix things instead of strengthening me in whatever I need to come through the issue. His prayer was given in faith and as a result the Holy Ghost came with power to give to each of his companions.
The answer to his prayer is a miracle, so beautiful. They didn’t hunger or thirst, no affliction was so great that they couldn’t feel the joy of Christ.
Given everything they needed to endure, given more that they thought was possible. All because of a faith filled, righteous prayer.
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