Saturday, June 30, 2012

Big Springs


Saturday we spent a couple of hours floating Big Springs ending at Mack’s Inn. Quin wasn’t interested in the activity so it was just the three of us. It felt so good to soak up some sun and the beautiful scenery. The place to put in the river was pretty crowded, great minds think alike I guess, s and we wondered about how peaceful it would be. As it turned out we were able to keep our distance between floaters and had a very peaceful run. We didn’t see any wildlife except some birds, so that was a little disappointing. But a trip to the cafĂ© was for some ice cream cheered us up perfectly.

We kayaked the Provo river on this trip with Beth, Calvin, Tyler, Annie and Isaac, but since I couldn’t guarantee we would stay dry I didn’t get any pictures. It was a blast. It had just enough rapids to make it exciting, but nothing that made it scary!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Getting Out of Dodge

As the temperatures climb, my attitude about the desert drops. Pretty dramatically. All I want is to be “outa here”. But the last couple of years we have stayed put the whole summer-not taking advantage of the fact that summer is the best time to leave and head north. And, yes, I have been known to pout about it. Granted their have been good reasons for our timing being off, our vacation time has landed on either side of the summer months as we try to accommodate schedules and have a “family” vacation. You know, when each and every member of the family is present. While that is still my personal favorite, I really wanted to get a break from the sweltering temps, and it was clear that the only way to do that was to leave the girls behind. So Kelly and I planned a week’s vacation in Utah, during the 4th of July celebrations, when all of my siblings would be “home”. It seemed like the perfect solution: We could enjoy the fun the Freedom Festival has to offer, which I love and spend some time with my family which I love, and enjoy some cooler, greener days which I love. Plus, Kelly had a two-week long test at the end of June, that I was not looking forward to. But anticipating some time together, on our vacation was the “spoonful of sugar” that made that bearable. We missed the girls, but it was perfect—in fact better than perfect! Kelly ended up with comp time that he had to use, so we extended our vacation and left a few days earlier. We used those extra days to make it all the way to the cabin.

rivers edgeWe arrived in Island Park Thursday evening, in time for a walk along the river and the sunset. Ahhh, just what the doctor ordered.1st sunset

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Girls Camp 2012

Yes, I went to girls camp again. I went with two hats on this year, and I was so happy to be able to go. I didn’t go for the whole week this year, maybe it is a gradual way to stop going after so many years. What will I do when it isn’t a regular part of my summer? I was called to be our ward cook, but the threat of fires made that calling unnecessary. The forest service strongly suggested that the only cooking that could be done was from the lodge, so the stake cooks cooked for everyone at camp. I joked that it was the best way to have a calling…I showed that my heart was willing to serve, but I didn’t have to do anything! I went with my ward to be with my laurels (one hat) and then I also helped Teresa Shiflet with the craft this year (hat number two). It was just lovely being up there with the girls and in those gorgeous surroundings. Kelly was away doing tests in Death Valley, so it was perfect timing.

pspWe have a larger group of young womenninja fighters since our ward has been growing so much, but we kept the tradition of no drama-everyone got along great. It is always fun to get to know them in this way, living together 24/7. I enjoy learning new things about them, seeing their silly sides and their spiritual sides as well. And nothing brings that our like skit night. The girls had a great time figuring out their skit.They are all so full jessof creative ideas. We found ourselves laughing together quite a bit.3rd yrs Hikes are a big part of camp, and I love to be hollythere when the 3rd and 4th years come back to camp. It is always emotional for me when I see them return, so full  of confidence in themselves and in the Lord. They know they can do hard things and they know they can do anything with the Lord’s help. My laurels were all YCL’s this year and I enjoyed seeing their mature and loving leadership. They all are outstanding young women. I love them so much.

Just One Sentence

I finally finished October Conference talks and have started on April’s. I read Elder Packer’s words and only underlined one sentence. Don’t get me wrong, I loved his talk. I looked up the scriptures he referenced and made a few notes in my notebook. But there was a phrase that was just what I needed to hear at this point in my life. He was referring to the less than perfect situations out there when he said; “These are temporary states. In the eternal scheme of things—not always in mortality—righteous yearning and longing will be fulfilled.” Then he quoted a scripture 1 Corinthians 15:19: “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable".

I have to admit that sometimes, these words of comfort have a bit of a sting to them because I don’t want to wait. But in my most urgent times of need, knowing God’s plan and looking forward to what comes after this life is the only thing that brings peace to my anxious heart.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Enos’s Preparation

In my study this morning I had fun contemplating the familiar story of Enos praying as he was hunting and reading the study manual. I say fun because I like it when even though I am familiar with a story I still learn. I may not even learn new things, but my understanding is deepened. Enos teaches me how to to get answers to prayers, how to prepare to get answers to prayers and what to do when we get answers to prayers.
1. Enos was taught truth. In his case he mentions being taught truth by his father, but that is not my situation any more. I still need to be taught truth, so I need to be in the places where I can learn truth. I need to attend my meetings and study the scriptures.
2. He let the teaching sink into his soul. He pondered, he didn’t just hear he listened. He didn’t dismiss but spent time thinking about what he had been taught. It wasn’t just something to cross off a list so that you can move on to the next thing. I don’t want to study my scriptures, just to cross that off the list of things I need to do and never think about them again.
3. His desire to know the truth for himself was so great he described it saying his soul hungered. He was like Nephi, not content to just let truth be stated. He wanted to it to be a part of him. I believe both Nephi and Enos knew their fathers’ actions, the way they lived,  were motivated by their beliefs, their testimonies and they wanted the same thing.
4. He describes his experience as a wrestle. When I think of that I wonder if sometimes I give up to easily. Would I describe my prayers as mighty? When I think about wrestling, it is enduring and not giving up. It isn’t a one time "knock out" punch. It takes effort, over time
5. Enos’ answers came as result of his faith. He is told that several times. Because of his faith his sins are forgiven, his desires will be granted because of "thy faith"…And in turn his faith is increased.
6.  After his experience he went about doing the Lord’s work. He spent his days declaring the truth. He worked with the Lamanites, doing what he could to bring about the answer he received in his prayer for them. He did his part in preserving the record-another thing he prayed about. He didn’t just sit around and wait for the Lord to do all of the work involved in bringing about the answers.
7. Enos was obedient. Faithful. And in the end received eternal life.
Elder Maxwell had this to say about  receiving answers to prayers: “Petitioning in prayers has taught me, again and again, that the vault of heaven with all its blessings is to opened only by a combination lock. One tumbler falls when there is faith, a second when there is personal righteousness; the third and final tumbler falls only when what is sought is, in God’s judgment—not ours—right for us. Sometimes we pound on the vault door for something we want very much and wonder why the door does no open. We would be very spoiled children if that vault door opened any more easily than it does. I can tell, looking back, that God truly loves me by inventorying the petitions He has refused to grant me. Our rejected petitions tell us much about ourselves but also much about our flawless Father” (New Era, Apr. 19780)
Just like most of the things I loved about Elder Maxwell, his teachings touched my heart, I felt the truth of his statement. And in the next instant left me feeling the need to ponder the deeper meaning this would have for me.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Lord’s Hand

I have been doing well at remembering to ponder Elder Eyring’s questions at night, but I haven’t been recording them—which is an important part.

So, I am going to play some catch up here. But I am going to have my journal ready to record at night!

There have been different kinds of answers each day. Most of them so subtle that if I hadn’t been trying to see them, I would have missed them. Others were…well, obvious. One day I received revelation, the direct kind. I was looking for something earlier in the day and I was given the idea of where to look. The next morning I looked and sure enough it was there, just as I had been “told”. I had to wait till it was morning because it involved the recycling bin. But the interesting thing is, I didn’t lose sleep that night. Normally, I would have had to check, or toss and turn trying to talk myself into waiting. but I just knew it would be there. I saw the Lord’s hand in Maryn’s life, as I prayed for her (I am sure she prayed as well). But she was able to feel peace, let go of the stress and increase her sales. So, she was doubly blessed. Other times, I was strengthened to just do what I needed to.

New (wink, wink) Bedroom Furniture

I have been a busy girl this week. But that still didn’t keep me out of trouble on Saturday…

Look honey! Look what I did while you were away!





Don’t worry. I researched (googled) and figured out an easy way to repaint our bedroom furniture, without, all that stripping and sanding. It worked like a charm.

Won’t the bedroom look great once we finish painting the other furniture?!!!

My Talented Family

We were able to get together with the “Tucson” family for a party in honor of Madison. We wanted to celebrate her accomplishments and send her with our love as she begins some new adventures. It was great fun to be together, and to witness first hand that I am related to some very talented folks:

Musiciansrock band

Water benderswater bending

And just plain adorableness.grins

When you are that cute, it is a talent!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Another Snake Adventure

Thursday night I returned home to find an unwanted visitor sitting in my driveway. A rattle snake had made himself very comfortable, snuggling right up to my garage door. And that meant I was stuck. The garage door was my way into my locked house, but there was no way I was going to open the garage door on the chance that he would feel obligated to come in with me.

So what to do? Well, call my husband of course…even though he is several hours away…he will know what to do. Now, I say a silent prayer that he answers his phone.

  • Hon. There is a snake right in front of the garage.
  • What kind of snake?
  • I don’t know (Does that matter?) I think it is a rattler, a baby one.
  • What color is it? How long is it? What is the shape of its head?
  • I don’t know (Really? I think the problem needs no description other than “snake”) I can’t see the tail, and I am too far to make out the head, but the rest looks like a rattler. But the real problem here is, I can’t get in the house!! I don’t have keys and I can’t open the door. What should I do?
  • Well, you have to get it to move.
  • Okay….
  • Can you throw something at it?
  • Um….well….there are rocks in the yard. Do you really want me to throw rocks at the garage door?

(And let me just add for the record that he finds this humorous, I could tell by the way he was laughing. And so does Jim who is in the car with him)

  • You could spray it with water!
  • So, I should get out of the car, climb around in the bushes and go into that dark corner to turn the water on, in my white skirt and heels. (Not happening)
  • What about the hose on the side of the house?
  • Did I forget to mention it was dark?
  • The only thing you can do is get it to move or go get the keys from Kelsey (She is at institute). I am sorry hon. If you can throw some gravel that will make some noise he should move.
  • Move where? What if he chooses to move to the bushes?
  • Well, you will be able to get in and we can worry about that when I get home.

Even though he was laughing, I could tell he wanted to help me, but what was he to do? I was starting to lose it by this point, but I did not want a snake to bring me to tears. So, I said a silent prayer that pretty much went something like…I really need help! And that is when I knew I just had to “man-up”)

  • Okay, hang on, I will try throwing gravel at him. ( I throw three handfuls of gravel and he doesn’t budge an inch,) He didn’t move. Nothing. Three handfuls all around him and he didn’t budge. (More laughter) Okay, I guess I will go and find Kelsey. Wait. He is moving.
  • Run over it!
  • Really?
  • Yes, run over it!

So I did. And it was gross. I could feel it under my tires. And it didn’t kill him the first time. So I had to do it two more times. And then I just couldn’t take any more, I was done with the “man-up” thing. So I just left it there and decided to figure out what to do with it later. Maybe it would just disappear sometime in the night. One can always hope!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Scripture Power

I still remember that song from serving in Primary. I loved hearing the enthusiastic voices as the children sang because they loved that song-especially the chorus. I thought of that song as I read and studied today and so I looked it up and read the words. And although the chorus is catchy, the real power of the scriptures is taught in the verses of that song:

Because I want to be like the Savior and I can

I’m reading His instruction, I’m following His plan.

Because I want the power His word will give to me

I’m changing how I live, I’m changing what I’ll be

I’ll find the sword of truth in each scripture that I learn.

I’ll take the shield of faith from these pages that I turn.

I’ll wear each vital part of the armor of the Lord

And fight my daily battles, and win a great reward

Scripture power, keeps me safe from sin

Scripture power is the power to win

Scripture power! Every day I need

The power that I get each time a read.

Nephi taught that we should FEAST upon the words of Christ. In the study guide, Elder Hales said that if the Savior were among us in the flesh today, he would teach us from the scriptures, just as He did when He walked upon the earth. I had never thought of that before. So, I think that idea should be added to  the list of “Reasons to Study the Scriptures”. Elder Hales also taught that to feast upon the works of Christ, one must absorb and incorporate His teachings, just as one absorbs and incorporates a meal. Just like the song is trying to teach us, Elder Hales continues with: “If you and I are to feast upon the words of Christ, we must study the scriptures and absorb His words through pondering them and and making them a part of every thought and action.”

That gives a whole new meaning to “you are what you eat”. I think a new saying could be “you are what you read”! “Scripture Power is a little more catchy though, don’t you agree?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Check Us Out!

We finished the wall and stairs! It is official—because there is even yard art!


Elder Eyring’s Questions

  Sunday our lesson for YW was on record keeping. Blogging has been a blessing in that way for me. I am a better record keeper because of it. Sister Hoth was teaching and she reminded me of a talk that I remember from Elder Eyring where he taught about keeping records for his children, particularly keeping track of the times that he recognized a blessing from the Lord. His purpose was to Remember. Just like in the Book of Mormon, our lives will be determined by what we choose to remember. Elder Eyring said that for several years he has written the answer to these questions each night, no matter how tired he was. Sister Hoth reminded me of the invitation he gave to try doing the same thing. Pondering over blessings, but in particular noticing the hand of the Lord in our lives.

Here are the questions:

1.  Did God send a message that was just for me?

2.  Did I see His hand in my life or the lives of my children?

Well after I got home, I sort of forgot that I wanted to remember and do what Elder Eyring had done. I was frustrated with some things going on, and feeling sorry for myself. I was struggling with feeling hope and enduring to the end. Then I received one of those messages from God. It came while I was studying the last talk of the October Conference, as I read Elder Uchtdorf’s message about forget me not’s. And this morning as I read the words from Elder Uchtdorf to forget not that God loves you, I knew it was a message for me that day. And I remembered that I wanted to remember them and write them down as Elder Eyring had said.

First, I received the message I needed to hear to keep working and doing what the Lord asks of me. I was feeling so useless in my service, just not seeing any results with those I work with. And wondering if what I offer is acceptable. The next day I read these words: “While understanding the “what” and the “how” of the gospel is necessary, the eternal fire and majesty of the gospel springs from the “why.” When we understand why our Heavenly Father has given us this pattern for living, when we remember why we committed to making it a foundational part of our lives, the gospel ceases to become a burden and, instead, becomes a joy and a delight. It becomes precious and sweet….The “what” and “how” of obedience mark the way and keep us on the right path. The “why” of obedience sanctifies our actions, transforming the mundane into the majestic. It magnifies our small acts of obedience into holy acts of consecration.” I realized I need to remember why I do what I do. And make sure I don’t get caught in the trap of doing something for the wrong reasons. I want to serve because that is what the Lord wants me to do, not because I will see the “results” of my labors.

Second, I received the message I needed to hear, that even when I feel alone I need to remember that God loves me. I read these words: “You are not forgotten. Sisters, wherever you are, whatever your circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you with an infinite love.”

I paused in my reading to say a silent prayer and just sit quietly with my tears and the “tingle” I felt, letting my heart communicate with the Spirit. And thanking my Heavenly Father for that message.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Busy Bee’s

We almost had new tenants in our home—noisy ones!

P1070582Kelly was out front fixing a leak in our sprinkling system when he noticed a constant buzzing. When he investigated theP1070581 sound he found bees trying to make a nest in our front porch rafters. I couldn’t believe just how many bees there were. But I did not want these new tenants taking up residence.

We called for a bee exterminator and within an hour he took care of our problem!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Young Women Handout

I made this hand out for our lesson on Sunday, using a template by Lynn Grievsonsl temple_edited-1