Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October’s End

Here is our October collage with the highlights of the month captured in photos:

oct 2012_edited-1Grace came and spent the morning with me

Kelsey’s choir concert

Hiking with the Priests and Laurel, hiking season has begun!

Our family room progress, bottom cabinets are in!

5K Walk for the food bank—it’s tradition

UofA Football

Pumpkin Patch with the Snells


Here is the link if you want to play along

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

endure to the end….

I have been doing some topical study in the scriptures, the plan of salvation being subject. I made a simple drawing in my notebook and my plan was to take each diagram  and what it represented, study the scriptures and articles I found and then move on to the next diagram, marching my way through my simple drawing. My plan didn’t work out, but I have benefited to much by this study. My drawing is still simple, but what those drawings represent have more meaning to me now. There are many “side roads” that I find myself on, all still encompassed by the plan. Which, btw, is one of the things I have grown to love the most. Everything applies, and is so much clearer when I apply it to the perfect plan of our Father.

Today I was studying enduring to the end. It was perfect timing for me to read what I read to help me get perspective.

First a scripture, touched my heart and humbled me. Hebrews 5:8-9 Though he were a Son, yet learned  he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;

The Savior is the supreme example in ALL things.

Another scripture giving me perspective and comfort. D&C 24:8 Be patient in afflictions for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days.

Through the atonement I find strength and comfort.

Lastly, an article that was instructive. I could see how to apply the principles to my life. Elder Hales:

“We were not sent by Father in Heaven just to be born. We were sent to endure and return to Him with honor.

"We are taught in the scriptures that there must be opposition in all things (see 2 Ne. 2:11 ). It is not a question of if we are ready for the tests; it is a matter of when. We must prepare to be ready for tests that will present themselves without warning.

“The basic requirements for enduring to the end include knowing who we are, children of God with a desire to return to His presence after mortality; understanding the purpose of life, to endure to the end and obtain eternal life; and living obediently with a desire and a determination to endure all things, having eternal vision. Eternal vision allows us to overcome opposition in our temporal state and, ultimately, achieve the promised rewards and blessings of eternal life.

“If we are patient in our afflictions, endure them well, and wait upon the Lord to learn the lessons of mortality, the Lord will be with us to strengthen us unto the end of our days: “He that shall [faithfully] endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” ( Mark 13:13 ) and return with honor to our Heavenly Father.

“We learn to endure to the end by learning to finish our current responsibilities, and we simply continue doing it all of our lives. We cannot expect to learn endurance in our later years if we have developed the habit of quitting when things get difficult now."

My “take away”:

  1. Remember:  I am a child of God. I have a purpose.
  2. Vision: I want to return to my Heavenly Father.
  3. Action: I will be obedient, do His will. I will not quit.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Are We There Yet?

Read this on a blog this morning and it fit perfectly with what was going on in my head. I was thinking about enjoying the journey and that I want to do that, really I do. But the journey needs to smooth out a bit, it has just been too rocky, to enjoy very much. Then I scold myself for those thoughts and remind myself that the “enjoy the journey” reminder IS exactly for those times when you need the reminder. When the journey is enjoyable there is no need for a reminder right? Or as this author says:

I’m reminded of this as I drive down a different road to a different place with a restless heart inside me. Over the last few years so many changes have come–good changes, hard changes, and everything in between. There’s a part of me that loves the adventure. But there’s also a part of my that sighs like a kid in the backseat and asks, “But aren’t we there yet?”

We dream of the day when we arrive.

When we’re truly happy.

When we don’t have struggles anymore.

When we’re completely settled.

There’s a name for that place: heaven.

And if you’re reading this, you’re not there yet.

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves when we try to find heaven on earth. We want to get to the place where we can say, this is it. But there’s no such thing as this is it: there’s just the next step God has for us.

That job.

That relationship.

That move across the country.

They’re not the be-all-end-all you might want them to be. They’re just what God has next for you.

Now I’ll confess: that sometimes makes me whine like the kid on the road trip. Sometimes I just want out of the stinkin’ car already.

But beyond that feeling it’s comforting to know that I don’t have to try to arrive at perfection. I’m free to explore and pursue and go where God takes me.

If you’ve been trying hard to arrive then lean back in your seat for a moment. Roll down the window. Feel the wind in your hair and the sun on your face. And if you dare, maybe even enjoy the journey for a bit.

You’ll get there one day, my friend. Not today. Or tomorrow. But eventually.

And in the meantime, there’s so much in store for you along the way.

So what is going on now? Well, once again, no one is hurt (prayers of gratitude for that) except…the truck.2012-10-28 14.05.30

Marana Pumpkin Patch

I heard the advertisement for the pumpkin patch on the radio and I immediately had two thoughts: 1.  it sounded like so much fun and 2. we needed to borrow some kids and go! That led to my next thought: call the Snells. They had the pumpkin patch on their list of places to go but were happy to let us tag along, so we did.

We went on Saturday, the 27th. It was a beautiful day, with the sun shining and blue skies and perfect fall temperatures. There were many free activities to choose from:

we spent time climbing on hay bales, tyler and flag

we made our way through a small petting zoo,

we watched pig races, pig races

got lost in a corn maze and in the maze

tyler marana pumpkin patch







gave piggy back rides for tired legs.grace gets ridecaleb hunts

kelly and tylerOf course, the highlight was getting to go to the pumpkin patch. Picking out a pumpkin was not as easy as it sounds, when there are so many too choose from. You never know if the next one might be better than the last. So we walked and hunted and chose, then walked hunted and chose again. Finally everyone was happy with their pick. kelly's pick

grace's pick

tyler and grace

caleb w pumpkinsIt was great to spend that time with Tyler, Caleb and Grace. They are great kids and we love them so much. pumpkins

uofa gameLater that afternoon, Kelly and I went to our last UofA football game of the season. We were sad to see the season come to an end for us. Next year we will have to spread the games out longer so we can enjoy good football weather too.

To My Beautiful Daughters



(I can’t remember where I got this, sorry to whoever you are who created it)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Grace’s Visit

Grace came for a visit today while her mom went to Caleb’s class. I wasn’t quite ready for the day, so she came in and “watched” me finish with my make-up. Of course, but the time I was done, she needed to do some touch-ups herself. I couldn’t help but grab the camera and get some shots of her primping!

grace with makeupgrace primpinggrace primping2

When she comes, we do lots of things together. We read, play games, and color. But most of the time we spend it outside with the bee baby. Sometimes we give the baby a bath too. Grace loves to take care of the baby and make her happy. She is so sweet with her.

grace and baby

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Putting in Cabinets!

It is really starting to come together and feel like we are finally getting this project done.P1080565

And it looks so good! I can’t wait till the counter top is installed and we can finally see all the work come together and use this as our family room again!P1080567

And look at this cute banner I made…for me and maryn and…

bat banner

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fighting battles

I used this quote in my lesson a couple of weeks ago. I think it is so profound.Lesson 33 Avoiding Media-01

I made it look pretty and all, but I just found it with this illustration. I really love this! I wish I had found it earlier. I want to print it out for a poster or something. Credit for the illustration goes to Lili Ribeiro of

Credit for the inspiration goes to a prophet of God.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Priest and Laurel Hike

finishThe priests decided on a hike for our activity this week. We went to Catalina State Park and started the hike to Romero Pools. We didn’t finish, because I couldn’t keep up with those boys…and it was getting dark. But I did manage to take a few pictures. The first one is while we were having a snack after the hike, the second is of Lottie and Aimee during the hike and the third is just of the sites around

P1080554_editcat state park

Conference Weekend

I have more fun things I want to talk about with conference.

There was another announcement that President Monson made, actually two more. One  that affects me is new curriculum for the youth. I was excited to hear that news, even though it was a little eclipsed by the temple.  But the other one was almost as big as the temple. In fact if you don’t live in Tucson and the surrounding area, you would probably put it at the top of the list for the biggest announcement. The age for full-time missionaries was changed…LOWERED! Young men can now go on missions when they are 18 years of age if they choose and young women can go when they are 19 years of age. That is a huge difference for the young women. And in our extended family this affects many of my nieces and nephews right away. That is way exciting! You can feel the excitement of the time drawing closer when the Savior will come again.

temple spotI took this picture on Saturday night thinking it would be a great site for the new temple! I took it during the “Walk for Hope” 5k that Maryn, Kelsey and I participated in Saturday evening during the priesthood session. All you need to startenter is a bag of food for the food bank. This year it was held at Oro Valley Marketplace, which made for a beautiful walk—much better than around the track like last year. The weather was a bit warmer than it has been, but not bad. At the start of the race, everyone is bunched up, but it doesn’t take long for everyone to be spread out at their own paces.

kelsey finishHere are the girls at the finish line.maryn finish Kelsey won a book in the raffle which she deserved, because she was the only one of the three of us who ran any part of the trail. We wanted a group shot, but none of them turned out very well, so I chose the best one. Although Maryn always seems to look good!



Monday, October 8, 2012

Temple in Tucson

This conference was the best one ever…and I may repeat that in 6 months, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t true. There are a couple of reasons that I will post about, not claiming they are in any particular order! The first being that President Monson announced a temple to be built right here in Tucson! We had quite the celebration when we heard Pres. Monson say "Tucson Arizona". As we shouted for joy and shed tears of happiness we quickly texted other family member to share the news. What a wonderful blessing.

Another reason this conference was the best is that I had my family all together for every session, just like we used to do. For so many years, conference weekend has been one of our favorite family traditions. But the last 2 years, with all the difficulties we have, one of the casualties has been our family conference weekend. We have been working our way back, and when Kelsey said she had both days off for conference, Kelly and I cried. That was a tender mercy. Maryn came home for the weekend and made us complete. These last two days spent together watching conference as been a wonderful spiritual experience.

Of course, a chance to hear from our living prophet, apostles and the other general authorities makes for another reason why this conference was the best. We all wrote down a personal question and then a family question ahead of conference. Then during the sessions, we listened for the answers to those questions. There were so many great messages. I heard answers to my questions. I felt the spirit. At the beginning of conference I told my family the Lord is hastening his work and we need to prepare. And we need to help others prepare.Then the rest of conference just felt like confirmation of that. Elder Bednar made a statement that summed it all up. Know the gospel is true and be true to the gospel. I love that the Lord allows us to work in His kingdom. I love that we are taught what needs to be done and invited to come along! I am so thankful to be able to be a part of Heavenly Fathers work. I love knowing that as I serve my Father in Heaven, that process helps me become. Right now I get to serve with the young women. I love them and feel so blessed to help them become what the Lord wants them to become…for their sake and for mine!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Farewell September

September was a good month. As usual there was a lot of time spent with the youth. Good thing we enjoy that! We worked on the entertainment center and have the "built in" part built. We spent many hours in service to family and friends, which is always a rewarding way to spend your time. And we had time for some fun--three out of our four games were this month.
Sep 2012
Here is the link for simple as that for more month in photos...or play along!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fun Family Photos

Melanie took pictures at Mickenna’s bridal shower held this summer. I just recently got my hands on them and thought there were some fun ones to share. First, a picture of me with my sisters—don’t know when we have had one taken of us all together. Pictured left to right: Sorena, me, Whitney and Jeanene.IMG_4249 sunny pop

Then pictures are of some of my nieces…

IMG_4187l sunny popAshlee, Quincee, Hannah,

Katherine, Skyler and Karsyn




Sorena with three of her girls Samantha, Emily and Alexis




IMG_4208eMickenna and JordanIMG_5735

Mickenna with Brianne and Madison