Saturday, September 29, 2012

Family Temple Day

I can’t believe we didn’t get any pictures of today…truly a bummer. But I have to record it, because it was the best day! The Murdock’s invited us to go to the temple with them as Michael prepares for his mission. We were so happy to go and support them, and Michael asked Kelly to be his escort. When we talked to Kelsey about our new plans, she told us that she had Saturday off! And she wanted to go with us! So we made it our family temple day as well. The girls went to the baptistry while we did our session. Then we went out to dinner before making the drive home. We weren’t all in the same place at the temple, but my heart rejoiced to know that we were ALL in the temple. No one missing. I can’t wait till we can all be in the temple, in then same room, together.

I know that this is only possible because of my Savior, Jesus Christ. He truly heals.

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