Saturday, September 15, 2012

Make Over Continues

P1080519The work in the family room continues in snippets of time Kelly finds during the week and then you can see real progress on Saturday. He has the framework almost complete today before we have to quit so that we can go to another UofA game.

I promised pictures, and I really want to get a picture of the band forming the outline of the United States. It is so cool and I was so excited, but my batteries were dead. That hardly ever happens to me…but it did. So no pictures till our next game in two weeks. This week was especially fun because they were honoring servicemen during breaks in the game. It is so touching to hear their stories and see how happy their families are to have them back. And so much fun to be in such a large group of people cheering for patriotism.

And in other news…I made these wreaths today for my front door…doors.P1080522P1080523

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