Saturday, December 28, 2013

Beach and Ocean

hunnington beachHunter had never been to the beach, seen the ocean so we of course had to schedule that into our trip. We decided that Saturday would be the day. The Saturday plan was to sleep in, after all we would be tired from our late nights at Disney. We would then pack up the car and go to the beach before we drove home. We slept till the last minute and still make the check out time. Check. We got the car all packed up and readied for our drive home. Check. We went to downtown Disney again for the last minute purchases of mementos—not part of the plan but sometimes changes are necessary. We loaded the car…again. Check. Then drove to the beach. beach2

cold adultsIt was chilly, but sunny. I loved watching Hunter and the excitement he felt at being at the beach. I didn’t even put shorts on, just rolled my pants to dip my toes in the cold water. Hunter didn’t even flinch. He ran right to the waves, hunter waves3jumping them and running from the as they chased him up the beach. After a few minutes he ran up to the sand and wrote “I (heart) (hunter waves2waves-squiggly line)”. Then he ran back and went deeper into the water letting the waves crash into his back, running and splashing. It was awesome. I loved being a part of that moment with him. i heart waveshunter waves4hunter swallowed in wave


hunter sand





ellie cold waterEllie was less enthusiastic about the cold water and just put her feet in. She loved the sand, burying feet and searching for sea shells.ellie at beach





ellie playing with waterellie waves

We stayed longer than I thought we would,thinking the cold would dampen the excitement, cutting our stay short. Instead we ended up making a late night drive home since we didn’t leave till early evening. Watching Hunter made it all worth it. kelsey beach

Trip to the beach. Check.beach

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