Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Wiseman Shaves or

…the Beard must go!

I fully supported him when he needed me to and put up with scratchy kisses for nearly a month. He told tell me about how many people said it was a good look for him. He talked about keeping the beard while he was in Denver, and actually acted like it was a hard decision. But that night when he got home from his last performance he shaved. Somehow I convinced him that I was on the right side of this issue. And…I may have or may not have threatened to withhold my kisses.

We took pictures because the girls really wanted to see him with a beard, they never have! We tried a few different looks too. But clean shaven is my favorite.

Here is the full beardbeard front

beard side







The goateehalf gone front


half beard side






And what we called the cowboy mustache. We thought it might make him look tough. Nope!kelly cowboy mustache

kelly cowboy mustache1

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